Our Philosophy
Philosophy Statement
Manaaki mai,
Manaaki tangata,
Manaaki Papatūānuku.
Caring for ourselves,
Caring for others,
Caring for our world.
Vision Statement
Harakeke will provide an environment where children are connected to nature.
They will develop a sense of care for the world and papatūānuku (Mother Earth).
Through sustainable teaching children will learn how they can make a difference.
The kaiako (teachers) work in partnership with our family and whānau to build a sense of community.
We work together to create the best outcomes for our tamariki (children).
Our tamariki will explore in an environment where the bicultural history of New Zealand is respected and celebrated.
The Māori language (te reo rangatiratanga) and culture is shared daily through our routines and rituals.
Children will engage in a positive learning environment which will grow confident, creative lifelong learners.
Children will have the freedom to explore and inquire about the world around them. Through free play in a natural space our tamariki develop a sense of wonder.
Children are affirmed as individuals who know they have their own unique identity and that they matter.
Our Natural Environment
Harakeke's outstanding natural environment provides rich opportunity for physical development and learning.
Outdoor environments are essential for the development of physical skills, for building confidence, and for promoting independence as well as social and behavioural skills.
Outdoor environments increase motivation and concentration in children and boost self-esteem. The children at Harakeke develop an ecological awareness and an understanding of the importance of sustainability within a natural context.